23. jul. 2016

For 47'ende gang tillykke

English text is in bold and cursive
med fødselsdagen. Min storebror havde fødselsdag i torsdag, så vi var ude og spise ved ham og hans familie om aftenen. Rigtig hyggeligt, og vejret var virkelig lummert så rigtig (næsten, det regnede ikke) dansk sommer. 

Et kort havde jeg også med til ham, hjemmelavet selvfølgelig. Er kommet ind i en lille trend med at lave flere af det samme kort, så jeg både har til lageret og til fx en fødselar. Denne gang lavede jeg et "drenge" kort og et "pige" kort. Inde i selve kortet har jeg tilføjet teksten "Happy Birthday"
Nederst i dette blogindlæg kan du se hvilke Distress Ink farvekombinationer jeg har brugt til baggrunden af mine kort.

My older brothers birthday was last Thursday so we were at their home for dinner with him and his family. Very cozy, and the weather was really muggy just like a real (almost, it did not rain) Danish summer.

I had also made him a card. lately when I've been making cards, I've been making more than just one, my minimum has been two cards at the same time, that way I have one to give away and one to have on hand.
I made a "boys" card (for my brother) and a "girl" card to have on hand. On the inside of the card I stamped the greeting "Happy Birthday"
At the bottom of this blog post you can see which Distress Ink color combinations I've used for the background of my cards.


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