Men først til stenen
Materialerne er akryl maling fra Søsterne Grene, sort posca str. 1MR... malet med vådservietter, vatpinde, pensel og grill spyd, lakken er makemake colorfix
Freddy the frog er dælme svær at tage billeder af, og Bastian og jeg var heller ikke helt enige i, hvordan stenen og Freddy skulle ligge
Ofelia sad blot og kiggede forundret på os, tror ikke helt hun forstod meningen i at tage billeder af en sten
Ofelia sad blot og kiggede forundret på os, tror ikke helt hun forstod meningen i at tage billeder af en sten
And Now in English
Freddy the frog is my third stone I made ... this time to provide the proper background, I took the pictures outside, the cats were with me at the time. When the pictures were taken we also played a little game of tag, where we take turns to run after each other, the cats and I ... It's more fun than it sounds. And I´m pretty sure it looks absolutely strange, but it is so fun.
Bastian and I could not quite agree on how the stone was to be in the pictures :)
Ofelia just sat and looked puzzled at us, she did not completely understand the meaning of taking pictures of a stone...
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