"Nothing is
when the word itself says
I´m Possible"
Jeg elsker det citat, det siger så meget med så få ord, og det jo rigtig. Men citatet er hvad inspirerede mig til denne første side i min Art Journal, forresten har jeg fundet et andet navn til min anden Art Journal, den hedder nu Gelli Journal, da baggrundene alle er lavet med min Gelli Plate, så det vel meget passende. Men tilbage til min Art Journal. Jeg forsøgte at tegne Audrey Hepburn, men ved nu ikke lige hvor meget det ligner, men er super tilfreds med resultatet. Men se lige mit øjebliksrod, er imponeret over det ikke er værre, for det kan det meget hurtigt blive her hos mig hehe.
And Now in English
Impossible or I´m Possible??
That is the question! It is taken from a quote by Audrey Hepburn, who said:
"Nothing is
når word itself says
I'm Possible "
I love that quote, it says so much with so few words, and you can not argue with it. But the quote is what inspired me to do this first page in my Art Journal, by the way, I have found another name for my second Art Journal, it's now called Gelli Journal, because the backgrounds are all made with my Gelli Plate. Back to my Art Journal, I tried to draw Audrey Hepburn, but no it do not resemble her that much, or well, but I am super happy with the result. Love it!!! But look at my mess, I am impressed that it isen´t worse, most of the time it is lol.