English text is in Bold and Cursive
Selve inspirationen til denne side kommer udelukkende fra det clean up print jeg her fik lavet vha. min gelli plate. Selve baggrunden mindede mig om planeter og universet. Herefter kom jeg til at tænke på et citat, jeg havde set et par uger forinden ”I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you”.
The inspiration for this page comes exclusively from a clean-up print from my Gelli Plate. It reminded me of planets and the universe. Then I came to think of a saying that I had seen a few weeks earlier, "I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you"
Tankerne bag projektet, ja de kom hurtigt til mig, da jeg så mit Clean Up Print fra min Gelli Plate. Jeg så et univers for mig, og hurtigt ledede det tankerne fremad mod det endelige resultat. Citatet ”I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you” fra bogen The Alchemist passede lige ind i dette univers og blev derfor teksten på min side.
The thoughts behind the project, came to me when I saw the clean up print. I saw a universe and that quickly led my mind towards the final result. The quote "I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you" from the book The Alchemist fit right into this universe and therefore I used it as the text on my page.
Da jeg skulle vælge farver, tænkte jeg ”mit univers, mine farver”, derfor dette lidt atypiske univers af farver som aqua, lilla, grønne, turkise og kobber farver. Det er jo netop det, der er så fantastisk ved Art Journaling – der er ingen regler!
When I had to choose colors, I thought "my universe, my colors", that is precisely what is so great about Art Journaling - there are no rules!
Teknikker anvendt:
Igen har jeg brugt min Gelli Plate (size 8”x11”). Denne side var egentligt et clean up print, hvilket betyder, det er det sidste man laver for at rengøre sin plade. Men jeg kunne ikke få mig selv til at smide denne ud. Den fik mig straks til at tænke på et citat jeg havde set nogle uger forinden. Billedet fik mig også til at tænke på planeter og universet i sig selv.
Again, I used my Gelli Plate (size 8 "x11"). This page was actually a clean up print, which means it is the last one you do to clean up your plate. But I could not bring myself to throw it away. It made me immediately think of a quote I had seen a few weeks earlier. The picture also made me think of planets and the universe itself.
Herefter skar jeg min side til så selve mit Gelli Plate print fyldte hele siden, sådan at der var akryl maling på hele siden. Så gav jeg siden et tyndt lag Golden Matte Medium og lod det tørre. Herefter skrev jeg mit valgte citat, først med en blød blyant, så en sort posca tusch og sluttede af med at skrive oveni med en grå posca tusch, da jeg syntes den sorte var alt for skarp mod baggrunden.
I Then cut my page to size so that the print would fill up the whole page. So I gave the page a thin layer of Golden Matte Medium and let it dry. Then I wrote my chosen quote, first with a soft pencil then a black Posca pen and finished it off by writing on top off the black a little offset with a gray Posca pen. Because I thought the black was too sharp against the background.
I Then cut my page to size so that the print would fill up the whole page. So I gave the page a thin layer of Golden Matte Medium and let it dry. Then I wrote my chosen quote, first with a soft pencil then a black Posca pen and finished it off by writing on top off the black a little offset with a gray Posca pen. Because I thought the black was too sharp against the background.
Med Caran D’Ache Neocolor || Watersoluble og Faber Castell Gelatos farvelagde jeg min side yderligere. Jeg brugte også nogle hjemmelavede stencils, som jeg har skåret på min Silhouette Cameo.
I then colored my page with Caran D'Ache Neocolor || Water Soluble and Faber Castell Gelatos color. I also used some homemade stencils, which I have cut my Silhouette Cameo.
For at skabe lidt dybde tegnede jeg enkelte detaljer op med min Bark 2000 Derwent Inktense pencil. Jeg blandede lidt kobber akrylmaling med vand til at lave pletter med. Med en pensel, som jeg bankede mod min finger, lavede jeg mange små gyldne pletter, som skal gøre det ud for stjerner.
To create a little depth I drew some details with my Bark 2000 Derwent Inktense pencil. I mixed a little copper acrylic paint with water and flicked on some spots to my page with a brush, by knocking it on my finger, I made many small golden spots, which will make it out of stars.
To create a little depth I drew some details with my Bark 2000 Derwent Inktense pencil. I mixed a little copper acrylic paint with water and flicked on some spots to my page with a brush, by knocking it on my finger, I made many small golden spots, which will make it out of stars.