10. dec. 2011

10 December

I går syltede jeg Drille Nisse Numser, en super nem og prisvenlig DIY. Blev dog lidt overrasket over hvor mange nisser man egentligt skulle have fat i, for at få nok Drille Nisse Numser til et helt glas. Men det var sjovt og hyggeligt at lave især når vores ene kat lå i stolen ved siden af og kommentered ens arbejde :)

DIYén fandt jeg hos Malene der har bloggen Krudthuset, det er en super nem DIY at følge med i, og nogle gode billeder så man ikke er i tvivl om hvad man gør. Har du lyst til at sylte Numser, enten som seksergave, værtindegave eller blot til egen fornøjelse skyld, så er skynd dig ind i krudthuset, du finder DIYén HER

Yesterday I made these pickled elf-butts, a super easy and affordable DIY. I was a little surprised how many elfs you have to capture, to get enough elf-butts to fill a glass. But it was fun and nice to do especially because one of my two cats was in the chair next to me, and he had his share of comments :)

The DIY I found at Malenes blog "Krudthuset", it's a super easy DIY to follow, and some good pictures so you do not have any doubts about what you have to do next. You cab find the DIY HERE 
I know the text is in danish, so you can look at the pictures, and I´ll give you the instructions here.

1) Cut the top and the toe of the stocking

2) You now have a long tube, cut this pipe into 4 equal pieces

3) Cut the sides of the 4 tubes, so you get 8 squares

4) Cut the corners off, so you have a circle

5) Thread the needle - Do not cut the thread of the coil, Baste all around. Cut the thread so that you have approx. 12 cm at both ends. Do not remove the needle from the thread

6) Form a ball of cotton and place it in the middle of the circle

7) Gently pull on both ends of the thread so the circle forms around the cotton ball. Pull all together and tie a knot. DO NOT cut the ends of the thread off

8) At the center on the "back-side" you stick the needle through so that it hits the middle of the front

9) Pull the thread from the front to the back and tighten (gently) so the thread makes a butt. Weave in ends and tie a few extra knots. You now have a little elf-butt.

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